About Atomesfere

Developed in Southern Europe during the last year, Atmosfere is an artistic research about isolation. It consists of a tape cassette, an analog photo series and a study on the Hikikomori phenomena. After the period we’ve been through earliest this year, which forced many people to deal with different and personal conditions of self-isolation; Human Collecting Memories and the artists offer a perspective that allows a new, and more global, debate about all the socio-cultural factors that cause or enhance the isolation process in urban society and a new point of view on the Hikikomori phenomena nowadays.


About HCM

Humans Collecting Memories is a music label based in Paris and Palermo. It is a creative multimedia project focused on composition, production and research in fields such as photography and sociology.

Photography: Francesca La Franca (@abraq_adhabra)

Music: Borromini — Giovanni di Giandomenico (@giovannidigiandomenic) + Aladin Ilou (@aladin_ilou)

Produced by Human Collecting Memories (@hcm.blue)