Research through intrinsic movement and forms.

Caroline Denervaud is coming from Lausanne and based in Paris. She calls her work “a research”, as soon as she works with the mixed media – paintings, video, embroidery, photography. She combines all of them and uses each separately. Her videos of the process of drawing are also art: body and movement together create the next level of work. Caroline collaborates with magazines and artists – for example, with the photographer Pascaline Dargant they’ve created The Heidies – serie of photographs of Caroline’s choreography.

Special for c.a.p.74024 Caroline Denervaud created a video that you can see below.

When did you start to make the dynamic images? How did you come up with this idea – using performance as the part of the final image?
A bit more than one year ago. A friend told me to do videos, because he taught I would be exited to do something I never did before. I started filming myself only moving. One day I did a shooting for the Heidies (the duet I form with my friend the photographer Pascaline Dargant) I was dancing with charcoal on the floor and walls… it was a revelation! The result of the movement-drawing piece is quite pure, I enjoy placing my body into the drawing to be part of it.

Your works are very body-concentrated. What does the body mean for you? You’re picturing yourself, someone else or just a body as abstract form?
My body is the envelop I have to live in… But I know it quite well and what I prefer about this body is its expression. Through it I can express myself the most sincerely. So it’s about what goes out my body but I also play with shapes, contrasts, lines and curves… in an abstract way.

What is your favorite part of the human body?
The eyes, feet, hands, backs, hair… But all bodies have these particular expression in moving or being still, that’s fascinating!

Is there anything that you wanted to draw for a long time but could not? For any reason.
I want to do a sculpture about turning circles in space but this is impossible to realize! Otherwise no, because I never think about what I will draw, it happens.

Do you feel free enough during the collaborations or working for a client? Or it’s “just for money” kind of situation?
I don’t feel free and it’s hard to work with/for someone else… but sometimes you just have to and it’s okay.

Can you share a secret?
I use to precise how small I am.

Text: Irene Belous